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12.04.2024 Save paper – enable email receipts at Kaakkuri

, Katariina Hanhisalo , 2024-04-12T07:58:43+03:00 , Eng | 0 Kommentit

Loan and return receipts via email

In Kaakkuri, you can choose to get receipts for loans and returns in your email instead of paper receipts. You can access email receipts from Kaakkuri's Profile by selecting Change receipt settings under the Email receipts title and choosing by email as the delivery method. Loan and return receipts will then automatically appear in your email inbox.

Pickup notice as digest email

You can also choose whether you would like to receive a digest notice about the reservations available for picked up. Normally, a separate email notification is sent for each reservation available for pickup. By selecting the digest email, you will receive a summary email of several reservations available for pickup. Digest emails are sent from the system in every 15 minutes.


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