1. Enter your search terms in the search box.
As you type, searches matching your terms appear below the search box. If you see your term in the list, you can click on a search term to go directly to the result list.
2. Select any desired limiters from below the search box and click the Magnifying Glass to run your search.
3. From the Results List, you can apply additional filters by clicking the All filters button below the search box.
4. View article details by clicking an article title or the View details link.
When Full Text is available, select a reading option (Publisher Site, Online Full Text, PDF) from the Access now menu.
Welch Medical Library Youtube tutorial: PubMed: Basics of Searching
SFS stands for Finnish Standards Associaton https://sfs.fi/en/.
Through SFS Online you can search and open SFS standards in PDF format. The service also includes individual ISO and IEC standards.
SFS Online contains SFS standards in electronic format from different disciplines. Includes all translated and English-language SFS standards available in electronic format. Swedish-language standards are also included.
Please note that SFS Online does not include the English-language SFS-EN electrotechnical standards and the ISO and IEC standards published in the original language.
Browse standards from the top menu. SFS contains all SFS standards. ISO and IEC contain a few standards purchased separately.
Search from the "Search full content" search box by number or word search. A predictive quick search will show you standards with the exact term you are looking for in the title or title. For more search results, click the "Search" button.
You can use any browser to search for publications, but PDF files must be opened in Adobe Reader. Protected files will not work when opened directly in a browser. You can also open an already downloaded publication in Adobe Reader from the downloads folder of your browser or computer.
SFS Online user rights
Journals and peer reviewed articles from multiple fields of research: biological Sciences, business and Management, chemistry, computer Science, earth and environmental Sciences, health Sciences, humanities and Social Sciences, materials science, mathematics, physics and astronomy, statistics, technology and engineering.
List of journals
Statista is a source of researched data, with figures and images from 170 industries in 50 countries. The international database contains statistics, market forecasts, industry publications, reports and infographics on more than 80 000 topics.
Xamk has obtained a Statista educational licence. The service is available to both Xamk staff and students. Statista works on Xamk campuses when you are logged in to the Xamk network.
For remote access, an account must be created on the Statista website. Select the category Business. Use the @xamk.edu.fi or @xamk.fi email address to register.
Theseus is an open repository. It includes the theses and publications of the Universities of Applied Sciences on the Internet. Theseus is a service provided by Arene ry - the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. You can read and utilize entire theses and publications in your own research and development work - or just get acquainted with those.
Xamk publications and theses in Theseus.
Multidisciplinary abstract and citation database: journals and journal and book-based proceedings.
The Web of Science (WoS) includes:
- Science Citation Index Expanded
- Social Sciences Citation Index
- Arts and Humanities Citation Index
- SciELO Citation Index
- Russian Citation Index
- Emerging Sources Citation Index
- Medline
- Korean Journal Index
- Journal and Highly Cited Data, Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators
The subscription includes the reference management system "EndNote Online with WoS".
Summary of the features of "EndNote Online with WoS" compared to other versions of EndNote: EndNote Desktop Comparison Chart | EndNote
Welcome - Web of Science - LibGuides at Clarivate Analytics
Web of Science Platform Training & Support - Web of Science Group (clarivate.com)
Web of Science Core Collection Training & Support - (clarivate.com)
Web of Science - Database quick guides - LibGuides at Oulu University
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Send individual articles by e-mail or in hard copy to another person for personal use in the name of scientific communication
Use the material or any part of it for commercial purposes
Distribute, sell, modify, create derivative works from or give the material to any person other than those entitled to use it
Remove or alter the names of authors or the publisher's copyright or other identifying information or prohibitions contained in the material
Use software that automatically copies material
Systematically copy or print material on paper or republish material in any other form
Always log in via the database/e-resource link at Https://kaakkuri.finna.fi.
Please note that sometimes the direct link provided to you in the Learn course will not work, but you can access the material by opening it via Kaakkuri.
Always log in with your Xamk username (Learn-tunnus). Exceptions: ForestBioFacts and Sanakirja.fi (MOT Language Service).
Use another browser, e.g. if you use Firefox, try Chrome, etc.
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Use private or invisible browsing. Select in your browser settings:
Chrome: New incognito window
Edge: New InPrivate window
Firefox: New private window
Use another device, e.g. your mobile device or another computer.
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If you are using a VPN, this may prevent access to the databases in some cases.
In the HAKA login, if you cannot select the organisation (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences), go to: https://haka.funet.fi/shibboleth/WAYF > In English. In "Remember selection permanently and bypass the WAYF service from now on. Select the organisation you are affiliated with", choose "South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences" and then "Save".
If your problem is with the e-book reader Adobe Digital Editions, see the support site for the software: https://helpx.adobe.com/support/digital-editions.html
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